the POP’s night 2019

CTCO - 2019/02/20

Every year 2FPCO (the French federation of professionals in communication by object) organizes the POP’s night. As part of its mission to professionalize, represent, defend and promote the communication sector through the object, 2FPCO rewards market players. Prizes are awarded according to pre-established categories such as: garment supplier, innovation & creativity or personalisation professional  of the year.

490 voters voted this year for the Advertising Object Award, which was awarded on February 5.



Here are the names of the winners of this great evening:

POP distributor up to 1 M€

  1. Siddep
  2. Dynamiz
  3. Pan Publicité
  4. Deotextil
  5. Webkado

POP Distributor of 1 à 3 M€*

  1. Pimp my Team
  2. Ideobjet
  3. Balle de Match
  4. Atout promotion
  5. Créagift

POP Distributor of 3 à 5 M€*

  1. Ex-aequo : Alize Communication et  Kelcom
  2. Agence Tapis Rouge
  3. G2m
  4. Ballard

POP Distributor of + de 5 million

  1. Avenir communication
  2. Jordenen
  3. Afso
  4. Lagardère
  5. Weematch

POP Personalisation professional of the year

  1. LHeureux Laser
  2. Pub’os
  3. Transfert Press
  4. MTS Sérigraphie
  5. Broderie Morel

POP Specialist Supplier

  1. Boracay
  2. Senator
  3. Bic Graphic
  4. Pixika
  5. Goldstar

POP Generalist supplier

  1. Xindao
  2. PF Concept
  3. Paul Stricker
  4. MidOcean
  5. Boomerang

POP Garment supplier

  1. Top-tex
  2. Cybernecard
  3. Falk & Ross
  4. Imbretex
  5. Texet

POP Innovation & Creativity

  1. Xindao
  2. SCX Design
  3. Wab Design
  4. Idées Nature
  5. Boomerang